Who said it was a good idea to go kayaking??! I should have known I'd be in for a heart racing adventure the minute our guide got into the water and started poking around for crocodiles with his paddle before we could board our kayaks! I was way too nervous to take pictures, but I was able to get some great shots from our boat safari through the same waters where I kayaked. Just imagine being up close to these giants! I may have wet my pants, I was soaked head to toe by the end of the journey.

I later learned that evening that the concentration of hippo poop is off the charts in that water, perhaps that explains why I got sick the next day :)

My kayak partner was Bridget, she and her family were originally from Zimbabwe but because of the recent turmoil there over the last 10 years her white family had to flee to England in 2000 leaving everything they owned behind.

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